Private Placement Process

Our proven methodology helps you to arrive at offering documents that reflect
your own view of your company as completely and clearly as possible so that
potential investors can appreciate your company's unique qualities. And we
also help you look at how others will view your company.

  • We interview company management on vision, mission, capital
    structure, valuation, share structure and organisation,
  • We supplement your own strategic research in order to help you
    assess your market, your competition and customers,
  • We develop e-presentations and materials that will help you with your
  • We can work with your financial advisor or if you prefer, with your bank,
    to present your business case as accurately as possible,
  • We use lists of frequently asked questions in order to help you
    consider how to present your figures.
Placing a third generation industrial  company can be quite different from normal
private placements. Our specific knowledge of environmental and social impact
investing can help you through the placement process.
Natural Capital Ventures provides a cost effective way to approach the niche
segment of the investor population that is looking for clean tech and social
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